Good driving technique will get you a lot further than a good four wheel
drive. There are some simple, common-sense rules that can be applied to
any off-roading situation that will help you through the obstacle, or
help you decide to rather turn back.
Know your and your vehicle's limits. It's a proven fact that many
off-roaders, particularly those new to the game, loose confidence well
before their vehicle looses ability. Know your vehicles' limits, and know
your own. Always ensure you and your vehicle are in perfect condition.
Look before you leap. Always inspect the
next obstacle on foot first. Assess the situation. Before getting back into your
vehicle, decide on choice of gear, amount of power, and the line your wheels
will take. Consider a contingency, and if in doubt, don't do it.
Left foot down - on the floor. Don't ride the clutch. Don't touch the clutch
before, during and after an obstacle. Depressing the clutch while in an obstacle,
such as a hill descent, can cause loss of traction
and consquently control.
As slow as possible, as fast as necessary. Driving as slowly as possible
minimizes vehicle damage and possible personal injury. Balance this requirement
with momentum - enough to safely negotiate your obstacle, but never faster than
required. Remember that torque, and not speed, make for effective off-road driving.
Tread Lightly! Minimize your impact on nature and the environment. Always
obtain permission before driving across private land or land not intended for that
purpose. If you caused any damage to a trail or an obstacle, repair the damage
before driving on.
If in doubt, use low range. It's better to be in low range and not needing
it than being in high range and needing low range. If you're in standing in front
of an obstacle wondering what gear you should use, go with low range second.
The six points listed above are obvious. But it's amazing
to see how many drivers consider themselves experienced and end up
endangering themselves and others. The most common cause of accidents
while off-rading is alchohol. Ever heard the one about the red-neck that
says "Y'all hold my beer while I show you this"? Sadly, it's common
in the off-roading community.
Another sight seen all too often is the cowboy mentality. The driver who
just has to try everything, and that at far too high a speed. Trying to
impress others is not a good motivation for off-road driving! Off-roading
provides you with access to the world's last unspoilt places. Make sure
your kids have that same opportunity.