Off-Road Driving Techniques
Sand Driving
Momentum is key when driving in sand, not speed! Always keep going, watching
clutch control when driving a manual 4x4. Don't rev the car excessively, try
to keep the engine at between 1,800 and 2,000 in third
, to maintain momentum. If, however, the vehicle bogs down, move
into low range. The trick in sand
driving is to maintain continuous momentum.
When stopping on sand, look for a hard place to park,
drive forward and then reverse to compact the sand under
the wheels. If the vehicle gets bogged in soft sand, it
is often easiest to reverse and then accelerate gently,
bridging the soft area using momentum. When getting bogged
in sand while reversing, the opposite is true. Drive
forward and then reverse over the difficult patch, again
using the vehicles' momentum.
Failing this, another vehicle, winch
or sand ladders are required, and is the reason you should never venture
into sandy areas (typically beaches or desert) by yourself and without the
proper recovery gear.
A neat trick when winching yourself out in sand without a recovery vehicle
to aid you is to connect the winch cable to the spare wheel and to bury it in
the sand. If deep enough, this should prove sufficient to pull you out.
Reducing Tyre Pressure |
While reducing tyre pressures (as indicated in the sidebar at right) when
driving on sand can prove beneficial, never deflate them below the tyre
manufacturer's recommendations unless forced to do so in an emergency. From
a legal point of view, your vehicle could be deemed defective which can
adversely affect an insurance claim in case of an accident. Under-inflated
tyres also damage the inside wall of the tyre which can result in blow-outs
later on, as well as increase the chances of the tyre peeling off the rim.
Beach Driving |
When driving on beaches always stay below the high water line, and avoid
driving on the dunes. Be aware of tides, as the sea can quickly wash away the
unwary driver's vehicle! Remember that beaches (and especially dunes) are home
to an extremely fragile eco-system with a great variety wildlife. Consider
this ecosystem and ask yourself if you really do need to drive on it.
Desert Driving |
Follow the contours of the sand dune, rather than driving in straight lines.
Beware of wet, muddy sand, and don't stop right next to someone who is stuck -
chances are you will then be too. If you're unsure about what's ahead, stop and
look (as its better to be stuck than to fly off the edge of a dune). When
stopping, stop next to each other, rather than behind each other. This gives
you room in case someone gets stuck when moving off again. Lastly, don't stop
with the vehicle facing uphill (unless you absolutely have to). Hill starts
are very difficult in sand.
© 1998-2013 Martin Wittenburg and Michael Wittenburg. All rights reserved.