Off-Road Driving Techniques
Traversing Slopes
Sometimes you have no other option than to traverse a slope (driving along
a steep slope laterally). Although it always feels scarier than it really
is, trust your instincts and don't push it. Most off-road vehicles can
handle side tilt-angles up to 40 degrees.
What you do need to look out for are slippery surfaces, depressions on the
downhill side of the vehicle, and raised areas (bumps or rocks) on the
uphill side of the vehicle, which can dangerously increase the tilt angle.
Escape Procedure |
If you feel the vehicle is loosing it, steer the vehicle downhill, towards the fall-line,
lightly using the accelerator if required. This reduces the chances of a
roll-over. Here again it pays to inspect your route on foot before attempting
the traverse as this allows you to spot possible escape lines should they be
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