The most effective aid to winching is the pulley block (also called a
snatch block). A pulley block is used to increase the pulling power of the
winch, or to change the direction of the pull. Pulley blocks can be used to
pull a load or, when attached to a suitable anchor point, to pull the
winching vehicle.
Winching a Vehicle using a Pulley Block |
When winching a vehicle using a pulley block,
the line speed is halved, but the pulling power is doubled. As with normal
winching, the anchor point must be secure, using a tree, another vehicle
or any firm structure to which a pulley block can be attached using a
chain or rope.
Winching a Load using a Pulley Block |
When winching a load, such as a boat or fallen tree using a pulley
block, the effect on line and pulling power
is the same as when winching a vehicle i.e. double
the power at half the normal winching speed.
Indirect Pull using a Pulley Block |
The image above shows how to accomplish an indirect pull where vehicle
access is limited due to unsuitable ground or obstructions, using a
pulley block attached to a convenient anchor point. Note that actual
pulling power on the load remains the same as the winch's power, as
does winch cable speed.