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Establishing Trust and Credibility

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When you start work on a project, you're going to meet people. This will happen in team meetings and one-on-one interviews. It will happen on the phone, through email and, if you use it, instant messaging. Each and every interaction is an opportunity to establish trust and credibility.

Trust. It's an individual's belief in, and willingness to act on the basis of the words, actions, and decisions of another[1].

Think about that for a minute. Gaining trust gives you the power of persuasion. Persuasion leads to influence. In turn, your credibility demonstrates that you will not abuse the trust that people place in you. While this isn't a discussion of ethics, I'd like to point out that the power to influence should be used carefully, with empathy, and for the benefit of the client. The pursuit of personal gain inevitably causes unwanted damage. More about the political landscape in another post.

There are many techniques you can employ to obtain someone's trust, but as an architect I've discovered that the single biggest factor is knowledge. Technical depth and breadth are without equal because it demonstrates that you're able to perform in a manner that meets another's expectations.

Second on this list is integrity. Integrity is a measure of how acceptable your principles are to someone. When meeting anyone for the first time, past actions are the best way to demonstrate this. Telling a story about the time you saved someone's reputation by cutting nice-to-have-features from a product to meet a critical ship date is much more effective than saying "Dude, you can trust me." Stories engage the listener, and build empathy.

There are other factors you have a degree of control over. Social proof is arguably the most powerful when meeting someone for the first time. Have any of your projects received press or other media coverage? Telling someone you're good is nowhere near as effective as hearing it from a third party.

Another example of social proof is one where you don't need another to directly vouch for you. I've used it in this blog post - the reference. By linking to a credible (in this case academic) paper, you're lending credence to your own position, and allowing the reader to independently verify that. It's a powerful technique that, even when the reader disagrees, can spark constructive and compelling debate.

As mentioned above, the point of trust is influence. Influence is about getting agreement. There are many, many techniques for getting to "yes", but all of them are based on one of the following six categories of human behaviour:



Social Proof




Giving Feedback

In the book The Effective Manager Mark Horstman suggests following these steps when giving feedback:

  1. Ask ("May I give you some feedback?")
  2. State the behavior ("When you X...")
  3. State the impact ("...the result is Y.")
  4. Encourage effective behavior ("Keep it up!" for positive feedback, or "Can you change that?" for negative feedback)

Simple, to the point and should takle no more than 5 to 15 seconds. By way of example -

Mark also has a 3 question test to check you should even give the feedback:

If the answer to any of these is yes, don't give the feedback.


I've listed and briefly described some behavioural traits that influence us, can be used to gain others' trust, and to influence and persuade. If you're interested in digging a little deeper, I recommend Robert Cialdini's book, Influence, the Physchology of Persuasion. Read Lewicki and McAllister's paper on Trust and Distrust, linked to below.

Another good reference is How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. It pays to be nice to people -

[1] Lewicki, R. J., McAllister, D. J., & Bies, R. J. (1998). Trust and distrust: New relationships and realities, Academy of Management Review, 23, 438-458

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