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Technology Assessment

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Assessment Criteria

An assessment of the technology landscape provides an accurate description of the current environment and its corresponding variables in which the solution will reside. The following points should guide the discovery process:


A computer is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations. What computing devices exist within the organisation? Specifically:

A peripheral is a device that is connected to a host computer, but not part of it. It expands the host's capabilities but does not form part of the core computer architecture. It is often, but not always, partially or completely dependent on the host.

Data Centre Services

Data centre services encompass all of the technology and facility-related components or activities that support the projects and operation of a data centre, which is an environment that provides processing, storage, networking, management and the distribution of data within an organisation.

Enterprise Software

Enterprise software is software that is used by organizations, such as in a business or government, as opposed to software used by individuals. What categories of enterprise software exist within the organisation?


A computer network is a telecommunications network that connects a collection of computers to allow communication and data exchange between systems, software applications, and users. What communication media is used to connect devices within the organisation? Specifically:

What communication protocols are used by the organisation's networks?

What directory services are hosted by the organisation?

What network services are hosted by the organisation? Specify location (on premises or cloud), product, and version numbers for:

What are the organisation’s network performance measures?

Additional work is required to determine the governance constraints imposed by the organisation. Also note that an assessment as proposed by this post excludes infrastructure, product and service lifecycles, which are useful in determining a technology strategy for a proposed solution.

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