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Stakeholder Management

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A stakeholder is anyone that affects or is affected by your project. Stakeholder management is about identifying, analysing and managing their sensitivity to interests, motivations and concerns.

As in risk management, there are five steps involved in stakeholder management, shown below. The process is repeated and refined throughout the project.

Stakeholder Management Process

Each step is discussed in detail below. Briefly though, they consist of the following:

Some approaches add an explicit knowledge or learning step in addition to the track step. I’m assuming that stakeholder management is documented, and that its histories are available to subsequent projects. Techniques should also be assessed and refined during each project review.


Stakeholder Indentification

Your customer is obviously at the top of the list of people to satisfy, but there are many others. You need to know who the other stakeholders are - who can help your project succeed, and who can undermine it and help it fail? Finally there are other interested people - those who are concerned about your project or affected by its outcome, such as user's clients or heads of other divisions.

Stakeholder types

Understanding the situation (see also Transformations) provides a great opportunity for identifying stakeholders. The development process itself is a similarly good source for stakeholder identification:

Software development process

If we consider who is involved in the process shown above, we might conclude that software development project stakeholders include:

Stakeholder Analysis

To benefit from identifying stakeholders, a deeper understanding is required. This means discovering and keeping track of stakeholders' goals, concerns, motivations and interests.

The most common approach to discovering the motivations and concerns a stakeholder has is through an interview - a formal or (preferably) an informal meeting. Where this isn't possible, you might try:

Collected data can be recorded in a spreadhseet or report, like this:

Stakeholder Role Goals Concerns Motivations Interests Power/
Jane Smith CEO Reduce help desk costs by 25% within 6 months. 50% of help desk calls are for password resets. Shareholder value Running an efficient company. Strong Medium Positive
Paul Jones CIO Reduce IT spend, provide better services. Reliance on third party systems integrators. Delivering business value Maintaining the status quo. Weak High Negative
James Cook CTO Move corporate compute services to the cloud. Cloud security. Keep IT relevant. Bleeding edge IT. Medium High Neutral
Susan Brown COO Running an efficient company. Layoffs. Employee satisfaction. Making the company a fun place to work. Strong Low Negative

Once you've got a list you can start thinking about which stakeholders are require attention, and which don't. After all, you have a limited amount of time and effort to spend on this. One way to do this is to create a matrix that maps stakeholders based on influence and interest:

Weak Medium Strong
Interest High Paul James  
Medium     Jane
Low     Susan


It's time to work out an action plan. The first step is to focus on the right stakeholders. The matrix created in the previous step helps focus effort where it's needed. There's little point, for example, in devoting attention to Paul, because his ability to influence is minimal. James is 50/50 because his influence isn't the strongest, but his interest is high. Jane and Susan however, have a lot of influence, which can impact our project. It makes sense to start with these two.

Now that we know where to focus our efforts, we need to get down to what needs doing to ensure the success of the project. The "what" is easy enough to discern from the analysis conducted in the previous step. We could:

That list isn't exhaustive, but it's a start. We'll do Jane first, and then Susan.

Jane has a lot of influence, but only a casual interest in our project. Because of her powerful position in the organisation the project stands better chances of success with Jane fully behind it. This suggests doing something that increases her interest in the project. An action plan for Jane might be:

Susan similarly has a lot of power, but isn't interested in the project at all. In fact, she expressed negative feelings about the project. Because her staff will be the users of the software being developed, it makes sense to get her support. We'd need to do a fair bit of work here - first, to change her negative perceptions about the project. Second, we want her to get behind the project by increasing her interest. An action plan for Susan might be:


Stakeholder management consists of initiating and assessing progress along the course of action developed in the previous step. Specific details of stakeholder management plans will vary from stakeholder to stakeholder, but a common assessment process is useful. It is important to continue to identify new stakeholders that may not have been included earlier.


Tracking ensures that tasks assigned during the planning stage are completed in a timely fashion. During tracking the principal activity performed by the team is monitoring the stakeholder management metrics to ensure that the planned stakeholder management actions are working.

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