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Technical Design Authority (TDA)

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  1. Introduction
  2. Purpose
  3. Scope
  4. Participants
  5. Inputs
  6. Processes
    1. Architecture Design Sessions
    2. Technical Design Assessments
    3. Technology Roadmaps
    4. Reviews
  7. Outputs
  8. Schedule


This post defines the purpose and scope of a Technical Design Authority (TDA). It identifies its participants; processes; outputs; and establishes a schedule. These four topics fall under the remit of the TDA -

This post must remain succinct, unambiguous and useful ๐Ÿคจ

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The objective of the TDA is to ensure that IT projects create value, reduce development and operational costs, and where prudent, conform to published standards.

The TDA will meet this objective through compulsory technical reviews of:

The TDA will run optional Architecture Design Sessions with project teams to assist in the tasks listed above, and the creation of the outputs described in the Outputs section.

The TDA will also maintain a technology roadmap by regularly assessing and when appropriate, recommending the adoption or abandonment of tools, technologies and related processes.

Finally, the TDA will monitor and track its effectiveness by periodically conducting reviews/self-assessments, and canvassing others (notably those it serves).

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In Scope

The TDA concerns itself with broadly technical matters that facilitate a system-wide perspective. This includes:

Out of Scope

The following functions are too technically granular or not technical at all, and therefore beyond the scope of the TDA:

The Privacy Impact Assessment

If you're in Europe you'll encounter the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). Assorted US agencies (the SEC, HHS, FTC, IRS, and DOD, to name a few) also require the completion of a PIA.

The PIA describes compliance with the data protection act (or your local version), which feeds into requirements. Completing a PIA is a function of business analysis. The PIA will certainly surface requirements that result in technical controls being implemented. These however, should be documented as requirements through established requirements gathering processes.

Responsibility for the PIA lies with governance, business readiness and compliance.


The other thing the TDA should avoid is reviewing the data dictionary/data architecture

The TDA concerns itself with broadly-scoped technical concerns. A data dictionary is a fine-grained model of a physical data store, and is therefore beyond the remit of the TDA.

Responsibility for the data dictionary lies with governance, and may be tracked as any other project task is tracked.

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By definition, a review must include both the project team and people external to it. As a recommended minimum the following people or roles should be required to participate in reviews:

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The ! symbol identifies mandatory inputs.

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Architecture Design Sessions

The main, verifiable goal of an Architecture Design Session (ADS) is decision-maker agreement to a preliminary solution. However, every ADS should also:

Architecture Design Sessions are recommended, but optional.

Technical Assessments

The primary goal of the TDA is to review, guide, and record architectural decisions. To meet this goal, the TDA will review technical project documentation as described in section 3 above, and the output created in an ADS. Specifically,

Technology Roadmaps

A secondary goal of the TDA is to assess, review and recommend technical techniques, tools, platforms, and languages and frameworks for use within the organisation. Recommendations are recorded in a document which is made available to all technical stakeholders throughout the group.

TDA Reviews

The TDA will undertake self-assessments to review its effectiveness and judge how well it performs in relation to its stated objectives. TDA members will score the TDA as a whole, and external stakeholders will be asked to complete or participate in reviews, which will be used to fine-tune the TDA's role, its processes and its membership.

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Architecture Design Sessions

The above can be combined into a single document.

Technical Assessments

Development health checks

Technology Roadmap

TDA Reviews

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Technical assessments will be minuted. All documents by or for the TDA will be stored in an architecture document repository capable of enforcing organisational security practices and policies.

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