House To Do
- Replace blinds facing balcony in Sascha's room
- Top bathroom needs to be re-tiled, optionally shower replaced by glass
- Bathroom needs a cabinet above the basin
- Hole in the wall next to study door needs to be filled, sanded and painted
- Holes from nails from which photo frames are hung need filling
- Holes in the wall where the little black ladder is hung need filling
- Holes in the outward facing wall from kitchen curtains need filling in
- Purple scratch marks on kitchen cupboards need removing
- Ceiling light in downstairs bathroom needs a waterproof lamp shade
- Light switch for light above dinner table needs repair
- Mechanism to open/close skylight window in lounge must be repaired/replaced
- Same skylight window needs sealant to stop the leaks when it rains
- Ceiling lamp in upstairs bathroom needs a waterproof lampshade/cover
- Two lights in the kitchen ceiling need new bulbs
- Screw holes inside/above study door need filling in
- Garden gate needs straightening with angled braces
- Pond needs emptying and filling for spring
- Pond bridge needs protective coat of paint
Optional -
- Remove steps from staircase, refurbish and repair.

All content copyright © Michael Wittenburg 1995 to 2025. All rights reserved.
Merch (t-shirts designed by my twin)